Company name : SARL FCH - Hôtel 21 Foch
Manager : Thomas Couet
Registered head office : 21 boulevard Foch - 49100 ANGERS - FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0) 230 314 100
SIRET : 79302296300011
Code APE : 7010Z
Responsible editor : Thomas Couet
Web Système
SIREN number : 444 373 500
Web Système
SIREN number : 444 373 500
Contents produced on this Internet site are protected by effective regulations (article L.122-4 of the French Code on Intellectual Property) and any reproduction or dissemination, without the explicit prior consent of Thomas Couet, constitutes a violation subject to penal sanctions.
Thomas Couet denies any responsibility or liability pursuant to any links to this website from other websites.
Hôtel 21 Foch
21 boulevard Foch
49100 ANGERS
+33 (0) 230 314 100
Website creation Angers WEB-SYSTEME - Photo credits : Franck Anderson