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Legal mentions

Website management

Company name : SARL FCH - Hôtel 21 Foch
Manager : Thomas Couet
Registered head office : 21 boulevard Foch - 49100 ANGERS - FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0) 230 314 100

SIRET : 79302296300011
Code APE : 7010Z
Responsible editor : Thomas Couet

Website editor

Web Système
SIREN number : 444 373 500

Website host

Web Système
SIREN number : 444 373 500

Intellectual property

Contents produced on this Internet site are protected by effective regulations (article L.122-4 of the French Code on Intellectual Property) and any reproduction or dissemination, without the explicit prior consent of Thomas Couet, constitutes a violation subject to penal sanctions.

Back links

Thomas Couet denies any responsibility or liability pursuant to any links to this website from other websites.

21 foch Hotel

Hôtel 21 Foch
21 boulevard Foch
49100 ANGERS

+33 (0) 230 314 100